Answered By: Law Library
Last Updated: Aug 04, 2016     Views: 42

When looking for jurisdiction specific secondary sources you will often find the material are subject focused. Thus, in addition to the resources recommended below, you may wish to explore subject LibGuides on your topic.

The IICLE SmartBooks are one of the best resources if you are on the law library's network. The are hard to access of campus, however.

The Illinois Bar Association has really great resources. Some are open to everyone, some require membership. The good news is students can join for free!

There are also some good collections within West and Lexis, but many are subject specific (e.g. Gitlin on Divorce). You may want to look at Illinois Jurisprudence and the Nichols series for general civil law.

These resources (including many of the ISBA materials) may also be availble in print at the Jenner Law Library.