Step 1: Look up the Public Act number. Click on Public Acts, then “Public Acts from Previous General Assemblies.”
Step 2: Pull down the triangle to see the full list of General Assemblies, and select the appropriate legislative session. Click GO.
Step 3: Click on “Listing” under Public Acts, then click on the link that covers tyour PA number. Make note of the BILL NUMBER, including whether it is from the HOUSE (HB) or SENATE (SB).
Step 4: Before you leave the text of the public Act look to see if this bill mentions the word or phrase you are researching to see if it amended the section of the statute you are interested in. If the word or phrase does not appear, you can stop and go on to the next PA on your list.
Step 5: On this same page, click on Bill Status, and scroll down to a table called ACTIONS – this will tell you if and when there were any debates on this bill – write down the DATES of any DEBATES.
[ CTRL-F on “debate” is helpful here]
Step 6: Go back to the list for the relevant General Assembly (where you went to look up the Public Act) but this time click on Transcripts – NOTE – there is a Transcript Link for each chamber which is why you need to know whether it’s a House Bill or a Senate Bill. Transcripts are listed by DATE.
Step 7: Open the transcript and CTRL-F on the Bill number.